In August 2021 the Zeta Beta Chapter celebrated the opening of it’s new chapter house. The chapter is settling in and enjoying the spacious 19,000 square foot house with five porches, a dedicated dining room with commercial kitchen, a separate chapter room with large ritual closet, numerous study spaces, and multiple spaces for socializing and gathering.

In 2008, the University began the transformation of Greek Court into Greek Village. This project replaces aging infrastructure and provides new amenities for the fraternity and sorority community. The phased plan provides for the orderly demolition of existing University-owned houses, lot clearing, infrastructure installation and construction of new houses. Alumni/alumnae housing corporations have leased all 20 available lots in Greek Village and are in various stages of design, construction and operation of new chapter houses.

The Greek Village is connected to the rest of the University through walkways, bike paths and roads to ensure that it is an integral part of the campus, not an isolated area. Several community amenities will be constructed as a part of the Master Plan: an amphitheater, community shelters and recreational fields. A community center is slated near the center of the property across from the new Zeta Beta house. These amenities complete the neighborhood feel of the new Greek Village and connect the surrounding lots to a central focus.

Sharon Black McKinney​
Sharon Black McKinney​President Zeta Beta House Corporation, Alpha Class 1971
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"It’s hard to believe it has been more than 47 years since my fellow pledge sisters and I participated in the Installation Weekend when the Zeta Beta Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi officially became the second women’s national sorority at NC State. Over the years, I have had the good fortune to watch the chapter grow from its original 27 initiates to its current membership of 170. I have also watched the housing situation evolve from living in dorms and holding sorority meetings in University buildings to outgrowing two different University owned houses, including the current house. For the past 18 years, I have also had the pleasure of serving as President of the Zeta Beta House Corporation. In that capacity I have had the unique opportunity of representing Alpha Delta Pi on the NC State Greek Village Housing Association. This has allowed me to voice the sorority’s interests in the development of the Greek Village master plan. Alpha Delta Pi now has the opportunity to build its own custom-designed home in the new Greek Village. I’m proud to be involved in—and contribute to—a project that will help the Zeta Beta Chapter continue to be FIRST, FINEST, FOREVER on the NC State campus!"
Bailey Bullock
Bailey BullockAlpha Class 2015, Zeta Beta Chapter President 2018
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"ADPi has given me some of my favorite memories in college and some of my very best friends. It has challenged me in ways I would have never thought possible. And lastly, it has given me a bond with my biological sister that I will cherish forever. I am so excited for future sisters to have the opportunity to live in and enjoy the new ADPi house—a place where they will laugh and cry together, where they will build friendships that will last a lifetime and where they will make memories they will never forget. I cannot wait to walk through the doors of the new house as an alumna and feel that Zeta Beta love throughout."
Jennifer Jackson Brinson
Jennifer Jackson BrinsonAlpha Class 1986, Zeta Beta VP of Finance 1989
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"Alpha Delta Pi, and specifically Zeta Beta, has been influential in shaping me, through the friendships, the leadership skills and the basic lessons of life. My Zeta Beta sisters are the women who have lifted me up in difficult times and celebrated with me in the many wonderful, memorable times. ​ I am so excited to be a part of the leadership team for our beautiful new house. Zeta Beta has always been competitive, even while living in a 1970s duplex or in a converted (and somewhat untraditional) fraternity house! Now it is our turn to build a house that is worthy of our heritage and appealing to the young women who will be the future of our chapter. The architect is in place and the lot is secured, what we need is YOU. ​ When we think about the various charities, schools and philanthropies we have supported as individuals–whether giving our time or our money–we may ponder which recipients mean the most to us. I can honestly say that none, other than my church, has impacted my life as much as Alpha Delta Pi. Because of this, I plan to give my largest gift to help secure Zeta Beta’s future and ask you to join me in this effort."
Jane Goellner Watson
Jane Goellner WatsonAlpha Class 1984, Zeta Beta Chapter President 1987
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"The influence that ADPi has had on us all has been widespread! Whether it is the four years of laughter and memories with amazing friends or the development of leadership skills that launched us into being meaningful contributors within our communities; we cannot deny the significance of the decision that we all made. ​ Personally, joining ADPi was the best and most impactful choice I made while at NC State. I have witnessed how Zeta Beta continues to shape the lives of so many outstanding and talented young women today. The new house that is being built will sustain the Zeta Beta legacy at NC State of which we are all proud. Together, we can ensure that our chapter stays vibrant for generations to come. Thank you for your contribution! #BoomBoomBuildIt" Jane Watson, AC 1984 (c), campaign co-chair, has two daughters Sara Kiley Watson, Beta Upsilon AC 2014, and Katie Watson, Zeta Beta AC 2016!

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