Zeta Beta Chapter at North Carolina State



“ADPi has given me some of my favorite memories in college and some of my very best friends. It has challenged me in ways I would have never thought possible.”


Learn More About Our Chapter

Zoe E
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"I want to use recruitment as a tool to empower and instill confidence in our members for life beyond college. I hope to make new members feel as welcome as I did when I first became a part of this sisterhood. Alpha Delta Pi is my greatest support system, with women who see the best in me and encourage me to reach my full potential. ADPi has pushed me to be the best version of myself, and I cannot wait of our new members to feel as loved as I do every single day. ”
Samantha H
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"I joined ADPi as a freshman back in 2012, and can honestly say I don't think I have a favorite memory from college that doesn't involve Alpha Delta Pi in some way! The women of ADPi were and are still the best women I know and I miss everyone in the chapter so much!"
Jordan M
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"I joined ADPi as a freshman at N.C. State and, like many others, had a great first year at the University. I found some of my closest friends and surrounded myself with people I truly felt like I could be myself around. Eventually senior year came and I kept hearing the phrase, “ADPi is not just four years; it’s for life”. However, I did not fully understand what this meant until years after my 2015 graduation." ​